Jeffrey L. Brown,  MD  FAAP

Legal Experience
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Expert witness:   25 Years Experience: Expert review of medical malpractice 
and product liability.

Member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Committee on Medical Liability and Risk Management (2006-2013).

Consultant to congressmen drafting legislation regarding labeling of pharmaceutical ingredients and expiration dating of pharmaceuticals. Testified at congressional hearings on the health hazards associated with unlabeled pharmaceutical excipients.

Consultant, interviewer, and civilian on-site investigator for alleged war crimes committed against children during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

Lecture and writing topics include medical-legal pitfalls of telephone medicine and electronic communication; malpractice risks associated with electronic health records, liability associated when treating children whose parents are separated or divorced, and vaccine liability. Regular contributor to "Pediatricians and the Law" column in the AAP News, and author and coauthor of two chapters in the AAP manual, "Medicolegal Issues in Pediatrics, 7th edition. 2012.